
Blackstone LLC is a landscaping company incorporated on July 24, 2017 in the State of Vermont. The organization offers services of stonework, hardscapes, stone veneer, soil drainage, lawn leveling, landscaping, and other services for the Southern Vermont & New Hampshire region.

Local Culture

Although we've grown, there's no job too small for us. We emphasize our support for the community and our humility remains intact as we grow. As one would expect from a Vermont-based company, we're very much rooted in a culture of integrity and genuineness. Vermonters hold great pride in their State and as such, we express that pride by producing quality work for our customers.

About the Founder

The founder is a Vermont native, an individual who built relationships in the industry and apprenticed in New England for a number of years before operating as a fully qualified employee for other companies in the region. Eventually, the quality of work from this individual garnered market demand for his specific work which became the basis for the transition from being an employee to offering masonry services as a sole proprietor. The company now distinguishes itself by focusing on genuineness, integrity, and quality of work above all else.


Vermont | Secretary of State | Business #0333048